
Bezalel Latitude iPhone 無線充電保護殼[iPhone 66S ]

Bezalel Latitude iPhone 無線充電保護殼[iPhone 6/6S ]. $450. 5.0. 4 已售出. 免運費. 滿$299,免運費. 運費: $0 - $65. 延長訂單撥款. 第三方支付保障買賣雙方權益.

BEZALEL Makes Wireless Charging Easy with the New ...

BEZALEL's latest upgraded Latitude wireless charging case for iPhones 7 is coming out! Use it on a wireless charging pad, for both Qi wireless charging and ...

BEZALEL Receiver Case for iPhone X, 8, 7 and 6 Overview

Designed for a flawless wireless charging experience, the BEZALEL receiver case is modeled to protect your phone and securely align to the sweet spot everytime.

Customer reviews

It is sleek and sturdy in design-I was glad for this because at $49, its quite pricey. However-it just suddenly stopped working-on both charging pads. It lasted ...

Customer reviews

Works great. The only thing we did not like about this white one is that it seems to discolor quickly. The black cover I use looks and works great but my wife ...

Magnetic Case for Samsung S8 and S8+ Overview

Latitude. For Samsung Galaxy S8. The idea that wireless chargers will actually make things worse for your phone is a misconception.

磁吸無線充電推薦第一品牌『BEZALEL 倍加能』

BEZALEL 倍加能是一間來自美國洛杉磯的磁吸無線充電品牌,致力打造在行動電源業界中,最高品質的無線充電系統,領先業界的創新技術與極簡設計美學,提供一系列的磁吸 ...

美國BEZALEL Latitude iPhone7 無線充電保護背蓋

美國BEZALEL Latitude iPhone7 無線充電保護背蓋 ... 雙材質一體成型,高品質觸感,指紋不殘留。 ... 量身訂製,完美貼合。 ... 大小:148 x 71 x 11mm/重量:47g。

美國BEZALEL Latitude 超薄無線充電手機殼(iPhone 66s ...

美國BEZALEL Latitude 超薄無線充電手機殼(iPhone 6/6s 適用)(不具磁吸功能) ...


BezalelLatitudeiPhone無線充電保護殼[iPhone6/6S].$450.5.0.4已售出.免運費.滿$299,免運費.運費:$0-$65.延長訂單撥款.第三方支付保障買賣雙方權益.,BEZALEL'slatestupgradedLatitudewirelesschargingcaseforiPhones7iscomingout!Useitonawirelesschargingpad,forbothQiwirelesschargingand ...,Designedforaflawlesswirelesschargingexperience,theBEZALELreceivercaseismodeledtoprotectyourphoneandsecurelyaligntotheswee...